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Galeria Balaguer

andreja velušček


If asked to describe happiness, I don't think of one particular moment. Instead, of the different spaces that, for me are home. They are places I can find again and again almost anywhere. They aren't places on a map, simply places that I am able to make mine and see part of myself within them. The feeling of home without physically being there.

With this in mind, my intention is not to depict the physical space. Instead, that the viewer find something in the images that for them reminds them of home.Personally, the mountains are a place which help me to explain many things about myself. They are a connection to home, where the meaning of home is the pure feeling of happiness, tranquility and contentment.  It is not a single place, not wherever I happen to be at any one time but all of those places that contain some element that is for me recognizable as home.

The  project DOM asks the question, “ If you are able to recognize and find home in other places, can happiness also be found there? ”

06 MAY 2024