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Ana Mas Projects

Mercedes Mangrané


For some years, the interest of Mercedes Mangrané has orbited around the consumer society, the public life privatization and the spectacularization of nature, formalizing it mainly from painting and video.

For her first solo exhibition at Ana Mas Projects, Mercedes Mangrané exhibits "Recompensa" (“Reward”), a sample of painting and installation of video about the sporting imaginary as a reinforcement of consumption habits. From her immediate daily life, she works about the traces and narrations of the effort and individualism distilled from the leisure spaces, -instagram to gymnasium-, through the study of archetypes associated with comfort. When the line between the public and the private is diffuse in the face of life overexposure, leisure spaces are joined by business and the notion of "taking care" becomes an exercise of visibility of one's own effort. It is at this point that the artist stands to propose a tour of different series ("Penumbra", "Clumsy", "Holds", "Machines", etc) that from the very plasticity of painting - as if it were a metaphor of the impossibility of a body to return to its original dimensions, after the load that caused the deformation - metaphorically challenges the reflexes about a society that describes itself from the stories of triumph and efficiency: windows with fog and covered with a supposed confusion between being "inside" or "outside"; Gym infrastructures posing as characters; Industrial elements of protection of furniture, etc. From a chromatic kindness - pastel colors, soft monochrome, greasy fillings - try to return harmless devices whose background are part of a biopolitical order, which tells us about control over life.

Mercedes Mangrané

May 2017

02 MAY 2024