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Sala Parés

Manuel Velasco

De grietas y filtraciones

Iron curtain, Muros and Azulejos, are the series that I present and which I am currently working on.

Actually it could be an unique series, they conceptually are, they differ in the formal appearance and the technique used in each of the series. Different but complementary.

Faced with truths and absolute certainties, total pureness, monolithic speeches, unquestionable reasons, faced with walls, fences, curtains and locked doors, stone blocks, unbreakable closures, impermeabilities and asepsis, brightness and oropeles, vehement fanaticism and deafening noise… Doubts and insecurities, mixtures, barrejas and mestizajes, questions and weaknesses, overcome fears, empathy, solidarity, love and fraternities, many questions, imperfect people and individuals, pores, cracks, gaps and leaks, oxides and permeabilities, old aged, gloom and dark corners, silences, whispers and listeners.

Well, de grietas y filtraciones.

08 MAY 2024