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àngels barcelona

Mònica Planes en col·laboració amb la comissària Margot Cuevas

Mònica Planes. A cor fantasma

A cor fantasma (A phantom heart) is a relationship with cement, a material that can adopt any shape, or form, that is at the origin of the first settlements and that has since adapted to the needs and desires of each era. This is a sculptural investigation into the relationship that we currently establish with this medium between our bodies and other bodies, and the kind of physical and mental experience the material can provide us with; that is why the sculptures presented in the exhibition originate from the friction with the environment. The working process is a circular one, with no centre, as they all originate from the same place, one that no longer exists. The technique is that of imitation, taking the movement of the cement to the body in order to understand its behaviour and obtain a return. In all the possibilities that can be found in cement, we find their own, so that the limits between sculptor and sculpture become blurred and all that remains of this relationship is the distance (or the contact) between one and the other.

28 APR 2024