Open-doors sessions in Santa Eulàlia

11 de February de 2016 General @en

The city is all set to celebrate the fiesta of Santa Eulàlia, the grand winter celebration of popular culture with traditional roots that is made possible by the contribution of young people and children with an aim that goes beyond recovering traditions.

Also on the programme are open-doors sessions and activities at the museus of the city. An exceptional opportunity to visit contemporary art exhibitions! Here you will find a selection of free exhibitions:

12 February:

CaixaForum Barcelona:  «El peso de un gesto».

CCCB:  «HUMAN+. The Future of our Species»

Fundación Antoni Tàpies: Guided visit to the exhibitions «Collection, 1955–65 (Antoni Tàpies works)» and «Documents of Action. Works from the Denney and Cordier Collections (1947–65)»

Fundación Joan Miró:   «When Lines are Time» and  «Casa Bloc, by Irena Visa»

MACBA:  «Miserachs Barcelona» and  «Species of Spaces

13 February:

Museu Can Framis:  «The Art of Collecting. Ernesto Ventós. colección olor VISUAL»

12, 13 and 14 February:

La Capella:  «Visceral Blue»

La Virreina Image Centre:  «Catalonia in Venecia. SINGUALARITY»




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