Art Barcelona galeria Joan Gaspar

T. (+34) 933 230 748

Consell de Cent 284 - 08007 Barcelona

View location

Tue. -Fri.  10:30-13:30 and 17:00-20:00h; Sat. 10:30-13:30h.

Summer (from June 15th to Sept 30th): Tue.-Fri 10:30-13:30 and 17:00-20:00h

Galeria Joan Gaspar.

The origin: Sala Gaspar

Sala Gaspar was an art gallery located in Consell de Cent #323 in Barcelona, founded in 1909 by Joan Gaspar Xalabarder. Today there is a commemorative plaque in this location.

The gallery started as frames, glass, reproductions and engravins business that, as it entered the artistic world, specialized until it ended up being an art gallery. Committed to avant-garde artistic movements, it promoted the activities of the Club 49 and exhibitions of artists such as Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí, Joan Miró, Antoni Clavé, Antoni Tàpies, Josep de Togores, Marc Chagall, Georges Braque, Eduardo Chillida, Andreu Alfaro and Alexander Calder. It also contributed to the dissemination of catalan art throughout North America with various exhibitions of the most representative catalan artists. In 1988 it was awarded with the Creu de Sant Jordi from the Generalitat de Catalunya.

After the Spanish Civil War, the gallery was managed by the founder’s son and nephew: Miquel Gaspar Paronella and Joan Gaspar Paronella, respectively. Joan Gaspar Farreras, Joan Gaspar Xalabarder’s nephew-grandson and Joan Gaspar Paronella’s son, was part of Sala Gaspar’s management team from 1972 until 1991. The gallery closed in 1996 but the family continued with various projects in the art world.


Galeria Joan Gaspar

In 1992, Joan Gaspar Farreras opened the Galeria Joan Gaspar in Plaza Dr. Letamendi – moved in 2018 to Consell de Cent 284, in front of the Sala Gaspar’s previous store. This new project continues with the tradition from which it comes, and also presents young artists who have consolidated over time such as Enrique Brinkmann, Claudi Casanovas, Igor Mitoraj, Etienne Krähenbühl, Jean-Baptiste Huynh, and Concha Sampol. Also great artists of the Paris school of the first half of the 20th century such as Gaston-Louis Roux and Suzanne Roger, unknown in Spain, are present in the gallery.

From October 2003 to January 2015, Galeria Joan Gaspar also had a gallery in Madrid where numerous exhibitions were held.

The gallery continuously collaborates with institutions and museums in the organization of public, national and international exhibitions. It also participates in both national and international art fairs.

In October 2020, Joan Gaspar Farreras passed away, leaving his partner and companion Nuria Ridameya in charge of the gallery.


  • Alfaro Andreu
  • Arboleda Alberto
  • Arenys Ricardo
  • Arranz Bravo Eduardo
  • Bartolozzi Rafael
  • Braque Georges
  • Brinkmann Enrique
  • Calder Alexander
  • Camino Angel
  • Casanovas Claudi
  • Castillo Jorge
  • Chillida Eduardo
  • Claret Joan
  • Clavé Antoni
  • Gonzalo Albert
  • Gudiol Montserrat
  • Huynh Jean Baptiste
  • Ibarz Miquel
  • Isern Jordi
  • Jubany Josep Lluís
  • Krähenbühl Etienne
  • Lamazares Anton
  • Lloveras Frederic
  • Llovet Ramón
  • Manolo Hugué
  • Masson André
  • Miró Joan
  • Mitoraj Igor
  • Picasso Pablo
  • Roger Suzanne
  • Roux Gaston-Louis
  • Sampol Concha
  • Tàpies Antoni
  • Tharrats Joan Josep
  • Todó Francesc
  • Togores Josep De
  • Uclés Josep
  • Viladecans Joan Pere
  • Vilató Javier
  • Xavier

Galleries by area

  • All
  • Ciutat Vella
  • Consell de Cent
  • El Penedès
  • Gràcia
  • L'Hospitalet
  • Left Eixample
  • Plaça Espanya
  • Right Eixample
  • Sant Antoni
  • Trafalgar